press / influencer
Come to cover the biggest bridal fashion event.
Check that you accomplish all the requirements and ask us for your code!
Who can get one?
Journalist, photographer, cameraman/woman, technician or producer who works for a domestic or international media outlet.
Journalist, photographer, cameraman/woman, technician or producer who works for a domestic or international media outlet.
We'll need you to submit:
- Press card
- Recent signed articles
- Current emblem of the publication or link to the online media outlet
- Original letter of the media outlet’s director or the editor or producer of the programme
Check that you accomplish all the requirements and ask us for your code!
Who can get one?
Influencer or owner of a platform related to fashion, accessories, beauty, the bridal sector, lifestyle or society pages.
Influencer or owner of a platform related to fashion, accessories, beauty, the bridal sector, lifestyle or society pages.
We'll need you to submit:
- Name, link and date of creation of the platform
- Links to recent publications
- Link to the channel where the name of the person to be registered appears
- Activity report that verifies visitors and/or followers